Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Not thorns in my side but thorns on branches. Creation of Mother Nature herself. Just another thing to look at instead of wondering how diseases weigh people down or why a pill can change one's behaviour!
I just had a pill that is supposed to calm me down, because I only slept 5 hours last night and woke up drunk.
So instead of trying to analyse the chemistry of a pill I opt for looking at thorns on branches.
Pills are a modern phenomena, in ancient times folks would make a herbal tea. I suppose there is someone watching me changing the speed of my brain according to what I digest of beverages, pills or whatever...

1 comment:

Axel said...

I am getting used to certain pills, because I couldn't convince the psychiatrist that herbal tea would calm me down. And I was not able to talk wisely to him.
Without some wisdom and the ability to express it it is easy to get lost in the system.