Thursday, December 21, 2006

Well today is a grey day, and I am not inspired to take photos. The grey was on the sky all day, and there were no beautiful winter-lights. It is too warm to expect any snow, and the only sign of the beautiful power of Mother Nature is the winter-jasmine outside our front-door. (Which I already posted a picture of )...

1 comment:

Donald said...

Well, yes, however there is one special thing about this day: From the site
I read that today had 7 hours 12 minutes daylight - even if graaaay:-) and the days will not get shorter from now on -- actually already from December 19th if we only count in minutes. December 25th will be 7 hours and 13 minutes long! That is, in Nakskov:-)
Oslo, Norway, has a shorter day tomorrow, from 9:18 to 15:11, only 5 hours 53 minutes.

Sunrise/Sundown: 8:44/15:34, length of day shortened by 10:44 hrs.
Moon up/down 10:25/15:39 (not much Moon to see today, though!)
At around 16:20 I decided to leave office in order to enjoy the fading day - actually it was not completely dark, and somehow the moment became dear to me.